Welcome, new readers from across the blog-0-sphere!
I was going to just try blogging again without mentioning the drastic changes that have happened to my little blog, but it turned out that just ended with three draft posts and a lot of nothing finished. Because things have changed with my wee blog, and the changes are exciting, and pretending all is the same seems a little foolish (and it’s leading to writer’s block).
It seems a little post I posted last weekend about grading went, as the hip kids say, viral this week. I can’t tell you how exciting it is to discover that people stumbled upon my funny little musing and thought it special enough to share with their friends and colleagues. It has been a real treat! Seeing the number of visitors and commenters grow has been absolutely thrilling, but also a little scary. What will I post next? Will I be funny enough? Was my little golden post a one-off? I have a touch of performance anxiety, so to speak.
So I thought I would write this tonight, and welcome you all, and thank you for popping by. And tomorrow, I’ll try blogging again, and try to feel a little less self-concious and a little less awestruck over the idea of people actually reading what I write.
Growing pains. I’ve got ‘em. But what a delightful problem to have!